For one of my projects, I analyzed body measurements of NBA Players and predicted whether this had an impact on getting nominated for the all stars. You can leran more about the project here
One of the biggest challenges was web scraping the data. I gathered data from 3 different sources: All-Star from Wikipedia (whether an NBA player is an All-Star), ESPN NBA Value Added, and NBA Draft Body Measurements. I used Beautiful Soup to exctract data from All-Star data and ESPN NBA Value Added data, but had to use Selenium in addition to extract NBA Draft Body Measurements. Below is a sample method I used to web scrape NBA Draft Body Measurements with Selenium.
def get_measurements_content(url, measurements_data):
measurements_data = []
#Set as Beautiful Soup Object
driver = webdriver.Chrome("/usr/local/bin/chromedriver")
measurements_soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source)
# Go to the section of interest
measurements_summary = measurements_soup.find('div', attrs={'class':'nba-stat-table'})
# Find the tables in the HTML
measurements_tables = measurements_summary.find_all('table')
# Set rows as first indexed object in tables with a row
rows = measurements_tables[0].findAll('tr')
# now grab every HTML cell in every row
for tr in rows:
cols = tr.findAll('td')
# Check to see if text is in the row
for td in cols:
text = td.find(text=True)
I wanted to get NBA Measurements from 2003-2018. So that is 16 urls I have for NBA Body Measurements (,, etc). I got my urls and called the above function for each url.
Problem? Because I’m using Selenium, I’m opening up Google chrome, extract the data, and exiting the page. I repeat the process 15 more times. It took me 1 minute and 30 seconds to scrape that data. While this is fine for 15 requests, it’ll be problematic if I want to extend the code to include players from 1990s or 1980s.
Solution: Multithreading
From this definition here.
Before we talk about multithreading, let’s discuss threads. A thread is a light-weight smallest part of a process that can run concurrently with
the other parts(other threads) of the same process. Threads are independent because they all have separate path of execution that’s the reason if an exception occurs in one thread, it doesn’t affect the execution of other threads. All threads of a process share the common memory. The process of executing multiple threads simultaneously is known as multithreading.”
The main purpose of multithreading is to provide simultaneous execution of two or more parts of a program to maximum utilize the CPU time. A multithreaded program contains two or more parts that can run concurrently. Each such part of a program called thread.
I want to execute get_measurements_content(url)
simultaneously 16 times. I imported threading
to help me do this. I then added this code to create 16 different threads.
def get_measurements(start_year, end_year):
#Generating list of urls
measurements_base_url = ''
measurements_data = []
while start_year < end_year:
urls.append(measurements_base_url + '#!?SeasonYear=' + str(start_year) + '-' + str(start_year+1)[-2:])
start_year = start_year + 1
threads = []
for url in urls:
process = threading.Thread(target=get_measurements_content, args=(url, measurements_data))
for process in threads:
On execution, 16 web browsers loaded simultaneously, each parsing the data simultaneously. This cut my time down to 40 seconds.
Problem? If I wanted to scale and include data starting from 1990s, I would have around 30 web browsers running at once! Take it back to 1970s and I have around 50. This is too much overhead for a computer, and I risk crashing my program. To streamline this smoothly, I want to run a select number of threads at once. Once a thread is finished, I can reuse that same thread for another task.
Solution: Thread Pooling
Thread pooling is what I want to accomplish. A thread pool is a group of pre-instantiated, idle threads which stand ready to be given work. With many small tasks needed to be executed, thread pooling is a prefered alternative over creating new threads. This prevents overhead of creating a thread multiple times.
I want to instantiate 6 threads at once and reuse them whenever they’re finished. I rewrote my two functions get_measurement_content
and get_measurements
to account for ThreadPooling. Below is the new code
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
def get_measurements_content(url):
measurements_data = []
#Set as Beautiful Soup Object
driver = webdriver.Chrome("/usr/local/bin/chromedriver")
measurements_soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source)
# Go to the section of interest
measurements_summary = measurements_soup.find('div', attrs={'class':'nba-stat-table'})
# Find the tables in the HTML
measurements_tables = measurements_summary.find_all('table')
# Set rows as first indexed object in tables with a row
rows = measurements_tables[0].findAll('tr')
# now grab every HTML cell in every row
for tr in rows:
cols = tr.findAll('td')
# Check to see if text is in the row
for td in cols:
text = td.find(text=True)
return measurements_data
def get_measurements(start_year, end_year):
# Create urls
measurements_base_url = ''
measurements_data = []
while start_year < end_year:
urls.append(measurements_base_url + '#!?SeasonYear=' + str(start_year) + '-' + str(start_year+1)[-2:])
start_year = start_year + 1
# Instantiate thread pool with 6 threads
pool = ThreadPool(6)
measurements_data =, urls)
measurements_df = pd.DataFrame()
for measurement in measurements_data:
measurements_df = measurements_df.append(measurement[1:])
#Hidden code that deals with data frame parsing/manipulation
return measurements_df
My code executes in 40 seconds, so same as multithreading. But it is better for scalability.
Code for project can be found here.